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Beet juice - available in powder

american image marketingRediBeets

Like any vegetable, beets contain a wealth of nutrients and important phytochemicals. Beet juice can be considered an essential part of any nutritional juicing program. AIMRediBeets™ is 100 percent beet juice powder and provides you with the benefits of red beet juice without the time and expense of juicing. Great for maintaining overall health!

Benefits & Features

  • Helps maintain whole body health

  • Residue-free red beets

  • Pure juice product, minimal fiber present

  • Nutrients in natural proportion

  • Most advanced processing technology

  • Provides cleansing effect

  • Benefit of juicing without the inconvenience

  • 8.8-oz (250 g) powder

  • Mixes well with BarleyLife and Just Carrots

  • Convenient for consistent use


What do beets provide us? One cup of raw beets is high in carbohydrates and low in fat. It contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as fiber, vitamins A and C, niacin, folic acid, and biotin. Although these are not found in U.S. "Recommended Daily Allowance" (RDA) quantities, we must remember that nutrients derived from natural sources may be "better" than those found in supplements, as they are found in an organic form. When these nutrients are captured in a juicing process, they remain in a form that is much easier to assimilate than synthetic nutrients. The iron in beet juice, in particular, is noted for being much more easily assimilated than man-made forms of iron.

AIM RediBeets�

The half pound of beets used to make a teaspoon of AIM RediBeets� is residue-free, and the beets are processed in a state-of-the-art facility that separates the juice-and its valuable nutrients-from the plants' fiber. In this process, the beets are not subjected to high temperatures that may damage their nutrients.

As part of a regular juicing program, AIM RediBeets� offers a convenient way to make juicing a part of your daily diet and meet the National Cancer Institute's recommendation to eat five servings of vegetables a day.

How to use AIM RediBeets�

  • Take 1 tsp (4 g) 2 times per day. Mix with water, juice, or other members of the AIM Garden Trio�. You may use more or less depending on your needs.

  • Because beet juice can have a strong effect on some individuals when they use it for the first time (dizziness due to detoxification), it is suggested that you take the recommended serving. Do not exceed 2 servings per day without the advice of a health practitioner.

  • Drink AIM RediBeets� immediately after mixing it.

  • AIM RediBeets� is best taken on an empty stomach: 30 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal.

  • Shelf life is 2 to 3 years, sealed. Close tightly after opening and store in a cool, dry, dark place (70-

  • 75 F; 20.1-23.8 C). Do not refrigerate.

  • You may take AIM RediBeets� with other AIM products, except AIM Herbal Fiberblend�. Takeamerican image marketingHerbal Fiberblend� 1 hour before or 30 minutes after takingamerican image marketingRediBeets�.

Q & A

Can I mixamerican image marketingRediBeets� with other AIM products?

Yes. Many people enjoy takingamerican image marketingRediBeets� either mixed withamerican image marketingBarleyLife� or mixed withamerican image marketingBarleyLife� andamerican image marketingJust Carrots �. It should not be taken withamerican image marketingHerbal Fiberblend �, however, because this will tend to prevent some of the nutrients from being absorbed during digestion. Takeamerican image marketingHerbal Fiberblend � 1 hour before or 30 minutes after takingamerican image marketingRediBeets�.

Is it OK to take more than the recommended serving?

Each person has different nutritional needs, which should be assessed by each individual. However, beet juice can have a strong effect on some individuals when they incorporate it into their diets for the first time. For this reason, it is suggested that people take the recommended amount at first and increase gradually.

american image marketingRediBeets� tastes quite sweet when I drink it. I am concerned about sugar. Is there a lot of sugar inamerican image marketing RediBeets�?

There is no processed sugar inamerican image marketingRediBeets�. In fact, the only ingredient in AIM RediBeets� is beet juice. However, beets produce natural sugars, which is what gives AIM RediBeets� its sweet, natural taste.

What part of the beet is used to makeamerican image marketingRediBeets�?

american image marketingRediBeets� is made from red beets, which is the type of beet that is typically served at the dinner table. Only the root of the beet is used to makeamerican image marketingRediBeets� powder.

How many beets make one pound ofamerican image marketingRediBeets�?

It takes approximately 25 pounds of beets to Make one pound ofamerican image marketingRediBeets�.

Beets and Science
According to John Heinerman, Ph.D., in the Encyclopedia of Healing Juices, beets (and beet juices) are a blood-building herb that detoxifies blood and renews it with minerals and natural sugars. The encyclopedia goes on to note that there may be substances in beets that aid circulation.

Other sources also speak highly of beets and beet juices. Dr. H.C.A. Vogel, in The Nature Doctor, states that beet juice contains betaine, which stimulates the function of liver cells and protects the liver and bile ducts. Norman Walker, D.Sc., in Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, claims that beets build red corpuscles and add tone to blood.

Of course, many of these claims are not substantiated in a "traditional" sense, and one might wonder if there is any "scientific" evidence of the health benefits of beets. There is.

An article in the February 27, 1996, issue of Cancer Letters reported on an animal study that shows that beetroot has a significant tumor-inhibiting effect. The abstract for the study says, "The combined findings suggest that beetroot ingestion can be one of the useful means to prevent cancer."

More intriguing information centers around betaine, a substance found in a number of plants in the chenopodiaceae family. Sugar beets, broccoli, and spinach are particularly high in this substance. It is most often derived from sugar beets. Recent studies point to this substance as a contributor to the prevention of coronary and cerebral artery disease.

Whole Body Health
Whole body health results when all body systems are in balance. No single body system is targeted-we make choices that keep all systems toxin-free and that supply all systems with optimum nutrition. The result is total wellness: waking up every day feeling great!american image marketingRediBeets� helps provide the daily nutrition you need to develop a strong foundation for your good health.

AIMRediBeets� is a Whole Body Health product. The complete Whole Body Health lines consists of the AIM Garden Trio�,american image marketingBarleyLife�, AIM Just Carrots�,american image marketingRediBeets�, andamerican image marketingHerbal Fiberblend�. Use these products to give yourself a solid foundation for your health.

Want to learn more? See the RediBeets datasheet
RediBeets - Beet Juice Powder
RediBeets Datasheet
(pdf file)
Note: pdf files require the free Adobe Acrobat reader software. If it's not on your PC you can download it at

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