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Hallelujah Diet

Hallelujah Diet

The Hallelujah Diet is being used by hundreds and thousands of people around the world to accomplish what our present day medical system cannot. People are getting well from a wide array of disorders. In fact the Hallelujah Diet has been so successful that is was recently adopted by the successful Oasis of Hope hospital. Why? You've probably heard the saying "God chose the simple things to confound the wise". You can't get any simpler than the Hallelujah Diet. God didn't create our bodies to run on drugs or artificial, over processed and over cooked foods. Look at what God created us to eat, feed it to your body for several months, get a little exercise and you will be amazed at the difference. It is time to stop fighting the symptoms and change what we eat! There recently was a news report on TV on a large study that proved that folks in the 60's and older benefit more from fresh fruits and vegetables than they do from vitamins. Amazing, perhaps they'll prove that God was right after all....

For more information, call us TOLL FREE at 1-877-735-2121.

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Loren & Kathleen Schiele
8733 Fawn Drive
Dallas, TX 75238

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