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AIM USA Wholesale Membership

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Membership is now FREE in the USA and Canada with minimum purchase.

It takes consistant effort. Work it like a business and enjoy the rewards.With a little work, many AIM Members have been able to earn enough to pay for the AIM products they use. Others with a vision of the future and working it as a business have been able to generate part time and full time income. AIM Members earn commissions on their own purchases and on the volumes of their sponsored Members organizations. The commissions earned varies depending on the amount of product that their group and sponsored Member's groups purchase each month. These groups or organizations can be infinitely wide and many levels deep. A Members organization or group is made up of all the Members they have sponsored, those that they sponsor and so forth. The concept is simple. Share with others, help and train sponsored Members who are serious about doing the business to do the same and over time you've reached a lot of people who are enjoying the benefits of the AIM products and a few people who are enjoying the benefits of working the AIM business.

In addition to the great savings AIM Membership offers, AIM Members also receive the outstanding bi-monthly Partners magazine. An AIM publication that not only keeps you informed about the AIM products but also provides a wide variety of health related information. AIM USA Membership sign up is free with a minimum order or $25 for those who want to sign up without ordering.

As an AIM Member the business opportunity is optional, many folks become Members just to earn enough to pay for their own purchases and later on find themselves sharing the outstanding products with many others. It's a great option! Upon Sign up a packet of information will be provided that includes information on the AIM income opportunity.

General Member Info - The AIM Business Opportunity - Success Stories
AIM Compensation Plan - The AIM Companies

Order online and/or become an AIM USA Member now

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barleylife, herbal fiberblend, natural progesterone, digestive enzymes, american image marketing, colon cleansing, Hallelujah Diet and more
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Loren & Kathleen Schiele
8733 Fawn Drive
Dallas, TX 75238

Phone: 214-340-0379 or   Call Toll Free: 877-735-2121
email: [email protected]

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