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THE AIM® Mission Statement

The mission of the AIM companies is to improve the quality and productivity of people's lives by promoting the "Healthy Cell Concept" and the highest principles of free enterprise. This mission is further refined in the AIM core values, which reflect what must be realized to succeed. They include Respect for the Individual, Commitment to Excellence, Dedication to Customer Service, Success through Personal Initiative

AIM the Company and an Outstanding Business Opportunity

Dennis Itami, founder and co-owner of The AIM Companies®, began his company with the 'simple' mission of providing quality, nutritious products that improve people's lives. With so many people in the country suffering the effects of poor eating habits, few goals could be loftier - or more noble. It was decided not to market Barleygreen in the traditional way but to instead use the one-on-one power of network marketing.

AIM - American Image Marketing - The AIM Companies - BarleyLifeBased in Nampa, Idaho, AIM International has grown from a small handful of independent sales reps selling a single product to a natural health products and nutritional supplement company with 150 employees and over 100,000 independent distributors. These Members, who make up the company's direct-sales force, are located in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and United Kingdom. Work is in progress to add additional countries. Today, AIM is one of the leading sellers of whole-food nutritional supplements and its flagship product, BarleyLife, is the best-selling product in its category in the world.

Walking the talk of "improving the quality of people's lives," AIM is an active corporate citizen in its headquarters community and worldwide, donating to various charity organizations, and sponsoring the Operation Blessing truck which travels nationally delivering food and clothing to those in need. And many of its individual Members are active in civic and charitable groups within their communities.

The company has gone through its growing pains, but has remained profitable since its founding. Now, with the market for nutritional supplements at $17 billion annually and expected to double in the next 10 years, and with a growing momentum not only for health-focused consumer products in general, but in AIM's product line in particular, management is preparing itself for its next round of rapid growth, both domestically and overseas. And still the vision is too big for one lifetime.

Here are a few things that makes AIM outstanding

  1. AIM celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2007.
  2. AIM's executive team has over 45 years of combined experience in network marketing and while aggressive is committed to maintaining the fiscal stability of the company.
  3. The product line consists of only the highest quality products in unique formulations.
  4. AIM is debt free. In fact, AIM holds the highest Dun and Bradstreet rating possible.
  5. AIM has Marketing and Member Training departments dedicated to providing the finest training and marketing tools possible.
  6. AIM is now utilizing a unique telebridge system that Members to join hour long classes over the phone. Education right from your home - ya don't even have to get dressed up!
  7. Every AIM Member may buy directly from AIM.
  8. All commissions and bonuses are paid directly to our Members by AIM.
  9. AIM is operating in six countries. As an AIM Member you can sponsor and build downline in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the USA.


  1. Commissions are based on personal and group volumes.
  2. AIM Membership is free with a small minimum order
  3. AIM dynamic Smart Start program pays a 20% bonus on the first order of every person you sponsor, provided you have a qualifying purchase in the same month.
  4. Permanent promotions coupled with 3 month accumulation of points for promotion purposes makes AIM a leader in this area.
  5. AIM's bonus structure again focuses exclusively on the volume sold. AIM's bonus structure is one of the most generous and realistic in the industry.
  6. The income potential in AIM is directly linked to personal initiative. It does take hard work to build a thriving AIM business, but hundreds of AIM Members have demonstrated that hard work does bring long-lasting financial rewards.
  7. The five Growth Phase steps on AIM's Ladder of Opportunity make it possible for new Members to begin earning commissions very early in their AIM experience.
  8. AIM's new bonuses provide generous rewards for Members who build wide (personally sponsored Members) and deep (many levels of Members) and teach their Members to do the same. As these "wide and deep" organizations are built, volumes grow and the rewards are substantial. More Information on the AIM Compensation Plan.

AIM Business Potential

The AIM business offers folks the opportunity to building a thriving business from the ground up. It is not a get rich quick scheme by any means. It does take consistant effort to build a thriving AIM business, it starts slow at first and then accelerates as you sponsor others who become willing to share the products with others. A wise man once wrote, "The hand of the diligent tends to plenty." Hundreds of AIM Members have demonstrated that the hand of the diligent does bring long-lasting financial rewards and freedom in addition to the satisfaction of seeing the quality of others lives improve. Read some success stories here.

Wholesale prices are just the beginning of what could be a great business opportunity.

Consider the following benefits of AIM Membership

  1. Orders can be placed by Phone, FAX (both TOLL FREE), or Mail
  2. All orders are shipped with 24 hours (excluding weekends)
  3. Payment can be by Personal Check, Visa, Discover or Mastercard or by Automatic Check Transfer Account (payment options vary from country to country)
  4. New Members can be signed up online or with a phone call
  5. All consumable AIM products have a %100 money-back guarantee
  6. A variety of marketing tools are available to make it easy for you to build your business
  7. Member Commission checks are mailed from AIM each month as your business grows
  8. The products truly are outstanding and the AIM Wholesale Member support group is unprecedented.
  9. The AIM magazine "Partners Living Well" is included with your orders each month free of charge.
  10. You can sponsor Members building downline organizations in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, and United Kingdom.

Upon becoming a Member you will be sent a "Getting Started With AIM" kit. This kit includes Welcome to AIM materials, a tools booklet and other information. A product brochure with wholesale prices is also included..

Like to become an AIM Member? Follow this link.

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barleylife, herbal fiberblend, natural progesterone, digestive enzymes, american image marketing, colon cleansing, Hallelujah Diet and more
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Loren & Kathleen Schiele
8733 Fawn Drive
Dallas, TX 75238

Phone: 214-340-0379 or   Call Toll Free: 877-735-2121
email: [email protected]

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