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Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
a personal story of healing

I was first diagnosed having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in April 1991 by endocrinologist R. C. Khurana, M.D., of Pittsburgh, PA. The physical exam he conducted made him suspect CFS and the blood work revealed very high titers of Epstein-Barr Virus antigens confirming his diagnosis. The doctor recommended B-12 shots and a nerve system depressant known as Xanax that I declined.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects different people differently. I experienced many severe headaches, shortness of breath, chest pains, difficulty in concentration, muscle weakness, body aches, leg cramps, other symptoms, as well as a never-ending exhaustion. Many days I could barely work and had to sleep over 14 hours. Life was not happy for Dr. Keefer or any of those concerned. For months I thought I was going to DIE as this disease must be terminal. CFS takes its toll on one both mentally and physically.

In searching for an alternative, I prayed, studied the Bible and began to change my diet and lifestyle. I ate less meat, more vegetables and began juicing carrots. I cut down on fast food restaurants, began to jog for exercise and took many whole food supplements from STANDARD PROCESS LABS. This course of action caused me to recover between 60-70% on a good day but life was still difficult with no fun extracurricular activities.

In the summer of 1996 a patient of mine gave me a copy of Dr. George Malkmus newsletter "Back to the Garden". I studied the Hallelujah Diet for six months, began taking the whole food supplement known as "n.n." and went on the DIET 100% in January 1997. Within 4 months all of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was gone! I also noticed that I had more energy and stamina than most healthy people; praise the Lord, God is good!

I have now been on the Hallelujah Diet for 2-1/2 years. if I deviate from the diet I soon begin to feel some tiredness returning. However, I feel best when I am following the program exactly-as dictated by Dr. Malkmus in his books. With regularity, I work a 12-hour+ day with only breaks to eat and NO CFS. Most people could never keep up with me in all that I accomplish each day. I enjoy being productive, helping others through my Chiropractic practice and nutritional counseling as well as doing God's will for my life. It goes without saying that I appreciate Dr. Malkmus for teaching his Hallelujah Diet way of life and health.

If you or someone you love has suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or its relative Fibromyalgia (FM) you owe it to that person to encourage them to do the Hallelujah Diet. It may work for them, too. 7/3/99

288 OLD HICKORY RIDGE ROAD - WASHINGTON, PA. 15301 - (724) 228-7571

n.n.= (no name) and represents the brand of barley juice used. Dr Keefer initially used AIM Barleygreen but now uses AIM BarleyLife which is nutritionally superior.

More information on the Hallelujah Diet

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Loren & Kathy Schiele
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Dallas, TX 75238

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