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The Hallelujah Diet Hallelujah Diet Explained

The Hallelujah Diet, once understood, is very, very simple to prepare and apply. Breakfast is simply high quality barley juice! (Typically 1 teaspoon to a heaping tablespoon depending on individual needs). Lunch is a vegetable salad or some fruit, while supper consists of a raw vegetable salad followed, by some cooked food. Carrot Juice is the in between meal snack. We try to follow a ratio of 85% raw and 15% cooked food each day, with the cooked food usually coming only at the end of the evening meal.

The 85% Portion

This is the "Hallelujah" portion of the Hallelujah Diet! An abundance of God's natural foods, uncooked (raw), and unprocessed. The dense living nutrients found in raw foods and their juices is what meets and satisfies the cells nutritional needs, so that a person no longer needs to struggle with uncontrollable hunger. Live foods are also what produce abundant energy and vibrant health. Following are items from each category that fit into the 85% portion of each day's food intake:

Beverages: Freshly extracted vegetable juices, high quality barley juice, and distilled water.

Dairy Alternatives: Fresh almond milk, creamy banana milk, as well as frozen banana, strawberry or blueberry "fruit creams."

Fruit: All fresh, as well as unsulfured organic dried fruit. Limited to no more than 15% of daily food intake. (Fruit juice would be included in this 15%, while fruit juice is never recommended in large quantities.)

Grains: Soaked oats, millet, raw muesli, dehydrated granola, dehydrated crackers, and raw ground flax seed.

Nuts And Seeds: Raw almonds, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, and raw almond butter or tahini. Consume sparingly.


Oils And Fats: Extra virgin olive oil, Lemmon's Essential Oil Blend, Flax seed oil (the oil of choice for people with cancer), and avocados.

Seasonings: Fresh or dehydrated herbs, garlic, sweet onions, parsley and salt free seasonings.

Soups: Raw soups.

Sweets: Fruit smoothies, raw fruit pies with nut/date crusts, date nut squares, etc.

Vegetables: All raw vegetables.

The 15% Portion

The following foods make up the 15% portion of the Hallelujah Diet. These are the cooked foods that follow the raw salad at the evening meal. This cooked food portion can be very delicious, and actually prove beneficial for those trying to maintain body weight.

Beverages: Caffeine free herb teas and cereal coffees, along with bottled organic juices.

Dairy: Non-dairy cheese, rice milk, and organic butter, all sparingly.

Fruit: Stewed and unsweetened frozen fruits.

Grains: Whole-grain cereals, breads, muffins, pasta, brown rice, millet, etc. Oils: Mayonnaise made from cold-pressed oils.

Seasonings: Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt. (Use sparingly)

Soups: Soups made from scratch without fat, dairy, or table salt.

Sweeteners: Raw, unfiltered honey, rice syrup, unsulfured molasses, stevia, carob, pure maple syrup, date sugar. (Use very sparingly.)

Vegetables: Steamed or wok cooked fresh or frozen vegetables, baked white or sweet potatoes, squash, etc.

Vitamin B-12 "B12 Infusion" (methylcobalamin) is manufactured by Enzymatic Therapy


Foods To Be Avoided

These foods are what create most of the physical problems we experience, and are not a part of the Hallelujah Diet.

They should be eliminated from the diet as quickly as possible.

Beverages: Alcohol, coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated beverages and soft drinks, all artificial fruit drinks, including sports drinks, and all commercial juices containing preservatives, salt, and sweeteners.

Dairy: All milk, cheese, eggs, ice cream, whipped toppings, and non-dairy creamers.

Fruit: Canned and sweetened fruits, along with non-organic dried fruits.

Grains: Refined, bleached flour products, cold breakfast cereals, and white rice.

Meats: Beef, pork, fish, chicken, turkey, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, sausage etc. All meats are harmful to the body and the cause of up to 90% of all physical problems.

Nuts And Seeds: All roasted and/or salted seeds and nuts. Peanuts are not a nut, but a legume and very difficult to digest.

Oils: All lard, margarine, and shortenings. Anything containing hydrogenated Oils.

Seasonings: Table salt, black pepper, and any seasonings containing them.

Soups: All canned, packaged or creamed soups containing dairy products.

Sweets: All refined white or brown sugar, sugar syrups, chocolate, candy, gum, cookies, donuts, cakes, pies, or other products containing refined sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Vegetable: All canned vegetables, or vegetables fried in oil.

Exercise: Don't forget that daily exersise is very important. Time on a rebounder or a brisk walk make a huge difference. More information on the Hallelujah Diet.

Note: We highly recommend BarleyLife for the daily barley juice intake. BarleyLife is fresher, is nutritionally denser, more cost effective, has a longer shelf life and is providing better results to users than our previous barley juice powder. We are excited about the dramatic improvement that BarleyLife brings to the Hallelujah Diet.

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