BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend, natural progesterone, digestive enzymes, american image marketing, AIM, colon cleansing, Healthier Life Diet and more
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BarleyLife !
Herbal Fiberblend
Renewed Balance
Just Carrots
CellSparc 360 - Coenzyme Q10
Bear Paw Garlic
Herbal Release
Proancynol 2000

When we started using the AIM products we wanted the lowest possible price, the fastest delivery and answers to questions we had about the products. After a number of phone calls and Internet searches here is what we found.

1. Barleylife, Herbal Fiberblend, Renewed Balance Natural Progesterone, Just Carrots, Redibeets, Cellsparc 360 and all the great AIM products are sold exclusively via an outstanding network marketing program, by independent AIM Wholesale Members. Later we found that not only are the AIM products very high quality, the company and people are too. 

2. The AIM Products can be purchase at the Member/Distributor/ wholesale price. No reason to be paying retail. Shipping costs are low.

3. The LOWEST PRICES AVAILABLE are the Member/Distributor wholesale price, period. These are the prices offered via this web site. As shown discounts of 5 or 10% are available by purchasing in quantity. To get these prices simply call us Toll Free at 1-877-735-2121 or order online.

TO SAVE MORE we highly recommend you become an AIM Member. An optional monthly autoship program is available to Members that provides a 10% discount each month and if your autoship order is $100 or more the shipping is free too. Order and become an AIM Member here.

Numerous folks become AIM Members/Distributors and share the products with others generating enough income to pay for their own products. So their products essentially don't cost them anything. Commissions are paid to AIM Members each month dependent upon the amount of product purchased by the Member and by sponsored downline Members. As you purchase and share the products with others you can receive from 6% to over 18% back on your purchases in the form of commissions. It takes some effort and time to achieve the maximum commission but it is certainly achievable. Many have gone beyond "getting their products for free" to generating a full time income and financial freedom.

No games, no tricks, no gimmicks. Just a great way of purchasing these high quality products. Sharing the results you achieve with others is the best possible way of promoting a product.

If you have questions please ask us. Thanks!

You can become an AIM Wholesale Member  with full networking privileges in the United States of America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom and South Africa. Additional countries will be added in the future. To be notified when your country comes online, please send us an email so we can contact you. To become an AIM Member you can sign up online, or contact or in the USA and Canada call one of the toll FREE numbers at the top of this page.

Leave us Your Questions or Comments Online

barleylife, herbal fiberblend, natural progesterone, digestive enzymes, american image marketing, colon cleansing, Hallelujah Diet and more
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Loren & Kathleen Schiele
8733 Fawn Drive
Dallas, TX 75238

Phone: 214-340-0379 FAX: (585)492-2287
email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2007 Loren & Kathy Schiele -- All Rights Reserved