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   AIM LeafGreens

Leaf Greens: AIM LeafGreens� is the juice powder of barley, spinach, kale, arugula, and Swiss chard along with broccoli sprouts. Provides high levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, chlorophyll, and enzymes. The concentrated nutrients support healthy cells while helping to detoxify your body, balance your pH, and counteract inflammation. Naatural citrus flavor.
  • Barley leaf - high in chlorphyl and vitamin K, the most nutritious of the green grasses.
  • Spinach leaf - rich in nutrients, including many essential vitamins, minerals, and potent antioxidants
  • Kale leaf - has an abundance of flavonoids.
  • Arugula leaf
  • Swiss Chard leaf - contains the flavonoid kaempferol
  • Broccoli sprout - contains high concentration of sulforaphane
  • These plants contain many other naturally occurring phytonutrients not mentioned above
  • One serving typically contains 21mg of chlorophyll and over 1g of protein per 1 tsp serving
  • Natural Citrus flavor
Leaves are among the most abundant sources of vital nutrients on the planet. AIM LeafGreens� is a combination of barley leaf, spinach, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, and broccoli sprout powder. LeafGreens is the only product on the market to utilize this unique blend of leaves and sprouts that work synergistically for optimal health benefits. Leaves are the most abundant source of vital nutrients found on Earth and LeafGreens maximizes their goodness. Take LeafGreens and experience the difference or your money back!

LeafGreens Ingredients: Barley Leaf juice concentrate, spinach leaf powder, kale leaf powder, arugula leaf powder, Swiss chard leaf powder, broccoli sprout powder, natural citrus flavor.

Taste: Leaf Greens has an exceptional taste for a green juice powder. For those who want a really good tasting drink try this. Mix 1 teaspoon Leaf Greens to 1 tablespoon BarleyLife Xtra in about 8 ounces of cool water. For smaller drinks or for those who are just starting out try 1/4th teaspoon of Leaf Greens to 1 teaspoon of BarleyLife Xtra. It is delicious! Serve to you friends.

Use: Can be mixed in water or fruit juice (other than cranberry or prune juices). A teaspoon once or twice a day may be all it takes to experience benefits. Some may need to start with smaller amounts as too much initially can result in detox symptoms. Some mix a small amount each day with their BarleyLife (and Just Carrots and Redibeets) while others use in place of BarleyLife.

Want to learn more? See the Leaf Greens datasheet
Leaf Greens - Highest Quality, Premium Green Juice Powder
Leaf Greens Datasheet
(pdf file)
Leaf Greens Note: pdf files require the free Adobe Acrobat reader software. If it's not on your PC you can download it at

BUY LeafGreens

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Loren & Kathleen Schiele
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Dallas, TX 75238

Phone: 214-340-0379 or   Call Toll Free: 877-735-2121
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