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And a Little Progesterone
Was All I Needed

From JS

      I started taking birth control pills in 1993, and during the next three years my health deteriorated drastically. I began suffering from migraines almost every day; I had insomnia, severe back and neck tension and falling hair. My periods were very irregular and I suffered from PMS so badly, it kept me in bed. Throughout this time I felt depressed and moody, I couldn't understand what was happening to me. Eventually my doctor suggested that I come off the pill, and take anti-depressants to treat the depression, insomnia and migraines. This however, started a whole new range of symptoms. I developed acne on my neck and shoulders; I had no libido and also developed dark pigmentation on my face.

     I was on and off various medications for about 2 years: in hindsight all I was doing was treating symptoms and generating new problems and then treating those symptoms, instead of finding the root cause and treating that!

     In 1998 we wanted to start a family, I had been using no contraceptive for about 2 years. I assumed that I hadn't fallen pregnant until now through luck. However, after six more months of trying to conceive, I bought a saliva test kit to determine fertile times in my cycle, and according to the test kit I wasn't even ovulating.

     I had heard about Progesterone but my doctor advised me against using it. Fortunately for me, due to the persistence of a friend I started using n.n. Progesterone cream. By the end of the first month I could feel that there were changes in my body! In the second month I was beginning to feel human again. By the third month most of the symptoms that had plagued me for so long were almost all gone. My skin was clearing up, my hair stopped falling, and my sex life was back to normal. I was using 1/8th of a teaspoon twice a day.

     I fell pregnant in the fourth month of taking the n.n. I continued taking the cream; to my delight I had new hair growth, and my hairdresser commented on how healthy my hair was. The acne, pigmentation and my PMS all became a thing of the past.

     Throughout my pregnancy I had no water retention, my hair grew thick and healthy, I had no thrush or bladder infections, my skin was better than ever and I suffered from very little morning sickness. Everyone commented on how well I looked, and I hadn't felt so well in years.

     I gained 11 KG's (24 lbs) during my pregnancy and gave birth to a 3.65 KG (8 lbs) baby boy, Thomas. I returned to my pre- pregnancy weight only 2 weeks after Thomas was born, and I continue to use n.n. every day. I also take � teaspoon of Barleygreen at each breastfeed, breastfeeding is always a pleasure. I have plenty of milk and Thomas put on weight quickly during the early weeks, 350 - 500g (.7 - 1.1 lbs) a week. Thomas has been a relaxed and satisfied baby from the start, and is still being breastfed at 8 months old. I will always recommend natural progesterone. It helped transform my health and I have a perfect little boy to show for it.

Note: n.n.= (no name) and represents the brand of natural progesterone cream used.

If you have questions on J's experience please send and email to Julie Upfold [email protected]

See also Hysterectomy - The Estrogen Trap - Avoid It!!
Valerie's Story
Patricia's Story
Amy's Story
Leanne's Story

Much More on Progesterone

These pages are provided for information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, sickness or condition. If you require medical assistance please see a nutritionally wise and progesterone friendly health practitioner.

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