And a Little Progesterone Was All I Needed
From Amy-Houston
I love this stuff!! I knew I had a problem with progesterone from all the research I had done, I had most of the symptoms of Estrogen Dominance. My Endocrinologist tested me for infertility problems and she came up with low progesterone results. She said I was probably not ovulating. (I told her I basically knew that since I had all the symptoms.) When I asked her about a natural progesterone cream she said it does work for some women. I went on fertility drugs for a couple of months but decided to stop and try a natural method using the cream. I am not yet pregnant but I will shout it from the mountain tops if it happens.
I no longer have two weeks of irritability. My mood swings are basically gone even up to the day I start my period. My horrible cramps are next to nothing now. I used to take 1200-1600 mg of Ibuprophen for cramps and that would only minimize them. I would be nauseous and dizzy and often would miss work. I cannot begin to explain how great I feel now. For the past 4 years I have also had fibrocysts in my breast. They would inflame so bad each month that I could not sleep on my side. After 3 months using n.n. natural progesterone cream they are basically gone. Sometimes I feel a little bit of tenderness but that is it. Those cyst used to scare me every month. I had tried three other similar creams but I never saw any results. I just knew there was something to this natural progesterone cream so I kept researching. When I saw that the AIM product had such high amounts of natural progesterone I decided to give it a try. IT WORKS! My first jar lasted me three months. I used it twice a day for 21 days until I read Dr. Lee's book. Now I use it about 12 days out of the month so I can get pregnant.
Note: n.n.= (no name) and represents the brand of natural progesterone cream used.
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or toll free at 1-888-504-2623
See also Patricia's Story Valeries Story
Leanne's Story
Much More on Progesterone
These pages are provided for information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, sickness or condition. If you require medical assistance please see a nutritionally wise and progesterone friendly health practitioner.