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AIM Herbal Release ®

Great for the digestive and the lymphatic system. New improved formulation in veggie capsules.

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What is Herbal Release? Herbal Release is an herbal lymphatic cleanser. It may also help with bowel regularity and improve immune health.

Herbal Food Cleansing Capsules

Formulated to bring out the benefits of 11 time-tested herbs. Herbal Release draws on the herbal tradition of cultures around the world to create a unique cleansing food.

The lymphatic system consists of the lymphoid organs, which are spread throughout the body. These include the bone marrow, thymus, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and spleen, as well as the adenoids and tonsils. The lymphatic system and lymphoid organs get their name because they are involved with the growth, development, and deployment of lymphocytes, white blood cells that are key to the immune system.

The lymphatic system plays the central role in building immune response. It enables the body to rid itself of bacteria and viruses, filters foreign substances and cell debris from the blood, and produces lymphocytes. It removes toxins that originated in the environment and toxic waste products that our cells produce as part of their metabolism. If these toxins are not removed, they can build up in the blood and eventually poison us.

Bone marrow
Bone marrow is the soft tissue in the center of all the bones in the body. It produces both red and white blood cells. The white blood cells created in the bone marrow can be further divided into two types: lymphocytes and phagocytes. These two types of white blood cells are the immune system's frontline fighters. The bone marrow also houses the lymphocytes known as B cells until they reach maturity. B cells fight disease by secreting antibodies into the

The thymus is located near the top of the lungs and behind the breastbone. It is a key to immune response. Lymphocytes known as T cells get their name from the thymus because after the bone marrow produces them, they are passed on to the thymus, which fosters their development. T cells both regulate immune response and attack infected or malignant body cells. The thymus also acts as the central clearinghouse of immune response, passing lymphocytes into the lymphatic system, which transports them to where they are needed.

Lymphatic vessels
The lymphatic vessels are the arteries that carry white blood cells throughout the body. White cells also can travel in the blood, but the lymphatic vessels are better equipped to transport the waste materials that the white blood cells pick up. Like small creeks that empty into larger and larger rivers, the lymphatic vessels feed into larger and larger channels. At the base of the neck they merge and their contents are discharged into the bloodstream, which carries the waste to the kidneys for processing and removal from the body.

Lymph nodes and spleen
Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped stopping points that are spread throughout the body. They are 'wait stations' for white blood cells to congregate until they are needed to fight an invading pathogen. Clumps of lymphoid tissue are found in most parts of the body, especially in the linings of the digestive tract and the airways and lungs--all the places where pathogens can enter the body. These lymphatic tissues include the tonsils, adenoids, and appendix. The spleen also contains special compartments where white blood cells gather and work.

The lymphatic system is composed of literally hundreds of miles of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. It is key to the elimination of waste products generated throughout the body. Dead cells, one of the major components of this waste, collect in the lymph nodes, where they are passed on to the bloodstream, which, in turn, delivers them to the lungs, kidneys, colon, and skin for elimination from the body. Together, all of the organs that make up the lymphatic system work to protect us from disease and illness.

Herbal Release
Herbal Release is now encapsulated into a delayed release vegetarian hard shell capsule that has been designed to disintegrate only after thirty minutes in the human digestive system. This differs from all other capsules in the AIM product line that disintegrate within only a few short minutes. This delayed released capsule contains herbs until they can further penetrate the digestive system prior to release. This combined with the synergy of the herbs provides an effective lymphatic cleanse.

Cleansing Herbs & Extracts
Barberry (root):
Liver, spleen, digestive tract, blood;
Antibiotic, bile flow, immune system activation
Buckthorn (bark):
Liver, gallbladder, intestines, blood;
Excretion of waste, laxative, bile production
Cascara Sagrada (bark):
Colon, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas;
Mild laxative
Chickweed (leaves):
Blood, liver, kidneys, bladder;
Toxin removal, anti-inflammatory
Dandelion (root):
Liver, kidneys, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, intestines, lymph glands;
Toxin removal, lymphatic cleanser
Echinacea (root) 4:1 extract:
Blood, lymph, kidneys;
Immune enhancement, antibiotic, lymphatic cleanser
Gotu Kola (herb):
Brain, adrenal glands, blood, skin;
Memory and mood enhancer, toxin removal, lowers blood pressure, reduces skin inflammation
Kelp Atlantic (plant):
Provides iodine for hypothyroidism
Licorice (root):
Lungs, stomach, intestines, spleen, liver;
Stimulates immune system, detoxifies the liver
Parsley (leaves):
Kidneys, bladder, stomach, liver, gallbladder;
Laxative, diuretic, indigestion
Sarsaparilla (root):
Blood, skin, intestines;
Toxin removal, improves circulation, reduces inflammation


  • Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs edited by Claire Kowalchick and William Hylton
  • The Book of Herbs by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
  • Proven Herbal Blends by Daniel Mowrey, Ph.D.
  • Eat the Weeds by Ben Charles Harris

This bulletin is for information only. It has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
"This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person".

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