AIM Ladder of Opportunity!
Note: Commission Pay Out Plans May Vary From Country to Country
For a graphical Ladder of Opportunity click here
Each AIM product has points associated with it. One case of Barleygreen (for instance) gives a distributor
600 points. As you and your sponsored Wholesale Members use and sell more of the products you are promoted in rank earning higher
commissions. Earned titles are permanent with current membership.
Membership is free with a Minimum order which varies from country to country.
- Wholesale purchase privileges
- Low shipping costs
- Toll-free customer-service line
- 100% satisfaction guarantee on all products
- Potential 30% retail profit
- Sponsoring privileges
- Annual renewal fee of $20 waived with minimum accumulated purchases of 200 personal BVP (BVP = point value assigned to products) per year
- Permanent titles with current membership
- The opportunity to build your own business while helping people improve the quality of their
450 BVP within a three month period promotes to PREFERRED MEMBER
Monthly Qualifying Order: Any personal purchase with BVP value
- All the benefits a wholesale Member enjoys, PLUS
- 6% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored wholesale Members
- 6% commission on your personal BVP
1500 BVP within a three month period promotes to PRODUCT CONSULTANT
Monthly Qualifying Order: Any personal purchases that total 75 BVP
- All the benefits a Wholesale Member enjoys, PLUS
- 6% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Product Consultants
- 6% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Preferred Members
- 12% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Wholesale Members
- 12% commission on your personal BVP
4,500 BVP within a three month period promotes to ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR
Monthly Qualifying Order: Any personal purchases that total 150 BVP
- All the benefits a wholesale Member enjoys, PLUS
- 6% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Associate Directors
- 6% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Group Builders
- 12% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Product Consultants
- 12% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Preferred Members
- 18% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored Wholesale Members
- 18% commission on your personal BVP
- Entry into the Expansion Phase of AIM's compensation plan
Benefits of Expansion Phase:
- All the benefits provided to the Growth Phase of AIM's Ladder of Opportunity, PLUS
- 6% commission on the Group Volume of all personally sponsored (First-generation) Directors
- 3% commission on the Group Volume of all Second-generation Directors
- 2% commission on the Group Volume of all third-generation Directors
- The potential to earn a Director Growth Bonus (1-9% of GV) and a Three-deep Bonus (1-3% GV)
Three personally sponsored Directors with 150 Personal Volume promotes to Star Sapphire Director.
Monthly Qualifying Order for regular commissions: Any personal purchases that total 150 BVP
- All the benefits provided in the Growth Phase of AIM's Ladder of Opportunity
- Access to AIM's Elite Director Services Department
- All commissions earned as a Director, PLUS
- 1% commission on the Group Volumes of your Fourth-generation Directors
- The potential to earn Director Growth Bonus, a Three-deep Bonus, and Elite Leadership Bonuses
Six personally sponsored Directors with 150 Personal Volume promotes to Royal Emerald Director
Monthly Qualifying Order for regular commissions: Any personal purchases that total 150 BVP
- All the benefits provided in the Growth Phase of AIM's Ladder of Opportunity
- Access to AIM's Elite Director Services Department
- All commissions earned as a Star Sapphire Director, PLUS
- 1% commission on the Group Volumes of your Fifth-generation Directors
- The potential to earn a Director Growth Bonus, a Three-deep Bonus, and Elite leadership Bonuses
Nine personally sponsored Directors with 150 Personal Volume promotes to Blue Diamond Director.
Monthly Qualifying Order for regular commissions: Any personal purchases that total 150 BVP
- All the benefits provided in the Growth Phase of AIM's Ladder of Opportunity
- Access to AIM's Elite Director Services Department
- All commissions earned as a Royal Emerald Director, PLUS
- 1% commission on the Group Volumes of your Sixth-generation Directors
- The potential to earn a Director Growth Bonus, a Three-deep Bonus, and Elite leadership Bonuses
12 personally sponsored Directors with 150 Personal Volume for 12 months promotes to CHAIRMAN'S CLUB DIRECTOR
Monthly Qualifying Order for regular commissions: No personal purchase required for regular
- All the benefits provided in the Growth Phase of AIM's Ladder of Opportunity
- Access to AIM's Elite Director Services Department
- All commissions earned as a Blue Diamond Director, PLUS
- An additional 1% commission on your Group Volume and the Group Volumes of your First
through Sixth-generation Directors.
- The potential to earn a Director Growth Bonus, a Three-deep Bonus, and Elite leadership
Bonuses, including the Ten-star Bonus.
Commission checks are mailed once a month. If you become a Wholesale Member all this stuff is explained in more detail in the packet of information that is sent to you.
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Loren & Kathy Schiele
8733 Fawn Drive
Dallas, TX 75238
Toll Free: 1-877-735-2121
Phone: 214-340-0379
FAX: (585)492-2287
email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2003 Loren & Kathy Schiele -- All Rights Reserved