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AIM BarleyLife, powder, capsules, packets
BARLEYLIFE - Nutrition that Works!
american image marketingBARLEYLIFE REPLACES Former Green Barley Juice Powder

AIM Green Barley Juice Powder history

  • Former AIM BarleyGreen Barley Juice Powder - 1982-2005
  • AIM BARLEYLIFE announced at 2002 Hawaii Convention
  • AIM BarleyLife is much better nutritionally and more affordable!
    • Former AIM Barley powder USA Member price was $43 for 10.5oz
    • AIM BarleyLife    USA Member price  is   $48 for 12.7oz!!
  • Taste - AIM BarleyLife tastes much better
  • Nutrient density - AIM BarleyLife is dramatically denser nutritionally
  • Results - BarleyLife users are reporting better results.

BarleyLife, BARLEYLIFE, barleylife AIM      In 1982 Dennis Itami, Ron Wright and Jim Kling started a company called American Image Marketing (AIM) and began telling everyone about their Green Barley Juice Powder . (A green powder made from the juice of young barley leaves.) Working diligently AIM Members spread the word about this green barley juice powder for the next twenty years to thousands across north American and around the world. If you heard about green-barley-juice-powder in the 80's or 90's it was because of an AIM Member or customer. However in the mid to late 1990's Members and Customers reported a need for higher amounts of powder to achieve the same great results they had learned to appreciate. Because of this AIM created a database to track Member and customer feedback. The results were alarming and sent AIM on a mission to start over and make a higher quality and more affordable barley juice powder.

Through extensive research, divine connections and a number of witty inventions AIM succeeded in creating the highest quality lowest cost barley juice powder available. BarleyLife was introduced to the market in July of 2002 in Hawaii. Although very good nutritionally, this initial BarleyLife powder was a little too bitter for some.AIM BarleyLife, Organic BarleyLife, BarleyLife Capsules, BarleyLife Xtra With a commitment to constantly improving BarleyLife, AIM invested in advance processing technology which has resulted in what we believe is the best tasting barley juice powder available. This was done while maintaining BarleyLife's tremendous nutritional density. Thousands of AIM Members have excitedly said yes to AIM BarleyLife and goodbye to AIM's former Barleygreen - barley leaf juice powder and are seeing better results.

AIM BarleyLife information.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The nutritional increase with the change to AIM BarleyLife is astounding. Looking at just a few nutrients; Protein, Calcium and Chlorophyll increased by more than 2 times while Beta Carotene increased 5 times. Superoxide Dismutase, an enzyme measured to assure enzyme activity increased as much as 5 times. Overall antioxidant activity increased as much as 12 times. The antioxidant Lutonarin (7-O-GIO) was measured 22 times higher in BarleyLife then what it was in the previous AIM Barley Juice Powder. Price wise, BarleyLife is over 7% less. (If you factor in the increased nutritional density, BarleyLife would cost 40% less.) BarleyLife is also a denser/heavier powder so less is required for better results.

Ingredients Comparison
AIM BarleyLife Powder: Juice of young barley plants (powdered), brow rice oligydextrin, whole kelp.
Former AIM Barley Juice Powder: Juice of young barley plants (powdered), maltodextrin, ashed kelp and brown rice.    

BarleyLife is also available in veggie capsules instead of the less effective compressed caplets.

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barley green, natural progesterone, digestive enzymes, american image marketing, colon cleansing, Hallelujah Diet and more
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Dallas, TX 75238

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