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Estrogen Deficiency Explanation
for PMS is Unfounded

More Estrogen???

      Dr. Jerilyn Prior, researcher and professor of endocrinology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver points out the interesting fact that no study has yet been done that would show a correlation between estrogen deficiency and menopausal symptoms. "Instead", says Dr. Prior, "a notion has been put forward that since estrogen levels go down, this is the most important change and explains all the things that may or may not be related to menopause. So estrogen treatment at this stage of our understanding is premature. This is kind of backwards science. It leads to ridiculous ideas - like calling a headache an aspirin-deficiency disease."

     Furthermore, Dr. Carolyn DeMarco, M.D., author of Take Charge of your Body and a Canadian physician specializing in Womens Health issues, says that there is no direct proof that the lack of estrogen causes heart disease or other ailments associated with menopause. As the experts point out, the estrogen "deficiency" hypothesis as an explanation of most menopausal symptoms or associated health problems is not supported by the analysis of estrogen blood levels, by worldwide ecological studies or by endocrinology experts. It is indeed ironic that mainstream medicine, that relies so heavily on "proven" therapies supported by double-blind studies, could be thus misled by an industry on whose expertise they have come to rely.

Much More on Progesterone

These pages are provided for information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, sickness or condition. If you require medical assistance please see a nutritionally wise and progesterone friendly health practitioner.

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